Return-to-Duty Process Explained

Understanding the Return-to-Duty Process for DOT Violations: What to Expect and How We Can Help

If you have a Department of Transportation (DOT) violation, the first step to get back to work is
completing the Return-to-Duty (RTD) process. Whether you’ve failed a random or pre-
employment test or whether you were considered a refusal, we are here to guide you through
this process.

The RTD process begins with a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) evaluation, which
involves a one-on-one, ninety-minute virtual session with a nationally qualified SAP
professional. Not just anyone can do this sort of evaluation, the DOT requires that in addition to
being a licensed clinician, counselors also hold a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)
qualification as well.

During this session, you’ll discuss the circumstances surrounding your violation, your use of
drugs or alcohol, and other relevant aspects of your life, such as your employment and personal
history. This evaluation isn’t about judgment, but about identifying the steps you need to take to
safely and responsibly get back to work.

Based on this evaluation, your SAP professional will create a customized treatment or education
plan tailored specifically to your needs and the DOT’s requirements. The plan may involve
education, counseling, community-driven 12-step meetings, or treatment programs to help
address any issues that led to the violation. Following successful completion, you’ll undergo a
follow-up evaluation to confirm compliance and readiness to resume safety-sensitive work. After
this follow-up, the only thing between you and getting back to work is to pass the Return-to-Duty
drug test through your employer or through a Consortium/Third Party Administrator (C/TPA).


Why Choose MarylandSAP?

MarylandSAP offers convenient virtual appointments for SAP evaluations,
treatment, and follow-up sessions, so you can complete the Return-to-Duty process from the privacy of
your home, no matter where in Maryland or Florida you are located. We have been helping
employees get back to work since the early 2010s and know the ins-and-outs of the FMCSA
Clearinghouse that was launched in 2020. Our goal is to help you navigate this challenging time
and return to your career as quickly and responsibly as possible.


Preparing for Your SAP Evaluation

To ensure a smooth process, please gather the following before completing your paperwork:

  • A Copy of your drug screen results
  • Contact information for your employer’s Designated Employer Representative (DER)

At MarylandSAP, we are committed to helping you regain compliance and move
forward with confidence. Reach out today to schedule your evaluation and take the first step in
completing the RTD process.